Exploring Algeria: A Tour Through Its Past and Present

Algeria provides a singular combination of historic sites, wide deserts, and energetic city life. It is a nation rich in history and stunning scenery. Leila, one of our travelers, set out on a painstakingly planned trip around Algeria, complete with Marriott International Hotel reservations made through Leviamice. A glimpse into her incredible journey can be seen here.

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First Day: Getting to Algiers

The vibrant Algerian capital city of Algiers was where Leila’s journey started. She made reservations for a posh Marriott Hotel in Algiers through Leviamice, so she could arrive and check in with ease.


Discovering the Algiers Kasbah: Leila’s first day there was devoted to meandering through the UNESCO-designated Kasbah’s twisting, narrow lanes. With its old mosques and Ottoman palaces, this historic district provided an intriguing window into Algeria’s past.

Regional Food:

Leila dined at a traditional Algerian restaurant, where she enjoyed a lovely selection of native dishes. She enjoyed couscous, a mainstay of Algerian cooking, and sampled mechoui, a fragrant dish of roasted lamb, capping off her first day in Algiers just right.

Day 2: Timgad’s Ancient Roman Ruins

Leila embarked on an exploration of Timgad’s old Roman remains, one of Algeria’s most amazing historical monuments, on the second day. Timgad, sometimes referred to as the “Pompeii of Africa,” is a magnificent example of Roman urban design.


When Leila visited Timgad, she was astounded by the beautifully conserved remains, which included the enormous library, the antique theater, and the striking Trajan’s Arch. She could almost imagine living in the Roman Empire as she strolled about the ruins of this old city.

Day 3: Sahara Desert Adventure

Visiting Algeria would not be the same without a visit to the captivating Sahara Desert. One of Leila’s favorite experiences during her trip was the expedition she took into the desert.

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Leila went on a guided tour and trekked into the vastness of the Sahara Desert to explore it. She saw the sun set over the desert, rode a camel across the golden dunes, and slept beneath a starry sky in a typical Berber tent.

Day 4: The Valley of M’zab

The tour continued with a stop at the M’zab Valley, a distinctive area that highlights Algeria’s rich cultural legacy. The Mozabite people, who have lived in this UNESCO World Heritage Site for millennia, are known for their unique way of life.


Leila visited the village of Ghardaia, which is known for its unique architecture and lively marketplaces, while she was exploring the M’zab Valley. She discovered the customs and culture of the Mozabite people and appreciated the valley’s distinctive urban design.

Day 5: Traveling back to Algeria

Leila returned to Algiers at the end of her expedition, where she rested and thought back on her travels. During her stay at the Marriott Hotel, she delighted in the opulent facilities and friendly service.

Regional Food:

Leila had dinner at a well-known restaurant in Algiers on her last night there, where she sampled seafood specialties and had a last taste of Algerian cuisine.

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Organizing for the Upcoming Journey

Leila is already organizing her next journey, having been so inspired by her amazing experiences in Algeria. She is ready to discover new places, each offering a distinctive fusion of history, culture, and scenic beauty, with the assistance of Leviamice.com and the dependable comfort of Marriott International Hotels.

Leila’s trip across Algeria was more than simply a holiday; it was a voyage through space and time that provided her with a wealth of unforgettable experiences. Algeria proved to be a place of never-ending curiosity and amazement, from the historic ruins of Timgad to the enormous Sahara and the culturally vibrant M’zab Valley.

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